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"Nuclear Equipment Operation Technician"
Job Description - Part 1 - Duties and Tasks

Basic Job Description:

Operate equipment used for the release, control, and utilization of nuclear energy to assist scientists in laboratory and production activities.

Part 1
Duties / Tasks
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5


Job Duties and Tasks for: "Nuclear Equipment Operation Technician"

1) Monitor instruments, gauges, and recording devices in control rooms during operation of equipment, under direction of nuclear experimenters.

2) Adjust controls of equipment in order to control particle beam movement, pulse rates, energy and intensity, or radiation, according to specifications.


3) Clear personnel from particle beam areas before operations begin.

4) Control laboratory compounding equipment enclosed in protective hot cells in order to prepare radioisotopes and other radioactive materials.

5) Follow policies and procedures for radiation workers in order to ensure personnel safety.


6) Install instrumentation leads in reactor cores in order to measure operating temperatures and pressures, according to mockups, blueprints, and diagrams.

7) Notify experimenters in target control rooms when particle beam parameters meet specifications.

8) Position fuel elements in geometric configurations around tubes in reactors or gamma facilities, according to radiation intensity specifications, using slave manipulators or extension tools.

9) Review experiment schedules in order to determine specifications, such as subatomic particle energy, intensity, and repetition rate parameters.

10) Set control panel switches, according to standard procedures, in order to route electric power from sources and direct particle beams through injector units.

11) Transfer capsules of experimental materials to and from tubes, chambers, or tunnels leading to reactor cores, using slave manipulators or extension tools.

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12) Calculate equipment operating factors, such as radiation times, dosages, temperatures, gamma intensities, and pressures, using standard formulas and conversion tables.

13) Collaborate with accelerator and beamline physicists in order to make experimental measurements.

14) Communicate with accelerator maintenance personnel in order to ensure readiness of support systems, such as vacuum, water cooling, and radiofrequency power sources.


15) Diagnose routine problems affecting accelerator performance.

16) Direct the work of accelerator support service personnel.

17) Disassemble, clean, and decontaminate hot cells and reactor parts during maintenance shutdowns, using slave manipulators, cranes, and hand tools.

18) Modify, devise, and maintain equipment used in operations.

19) Perform testing, maintenance, repair, and upgrading of accelerator systems.

20) Set up and operate machines to cut fuel elements to size to fit into shielding boxes or to polish test pieces, following blueprints and other specifications and using extension tools.

21) Submit computations to supervisors for review.

22) Test physical, chemical, or metallurgical properties of experimental materials according to standardized procedures, using test equipment and measuring instruments.

23) Warn maintenance workers of radiation hazards, and direct workers to vacate hazardous areas.

24) Write summaries of activities and record experimental data, such as accelerator performance, systems status, particle beam specification and beam conditions obtained.

Job Description for "Nuclear Equipment Operation Technician" continued here...

Part 1
Duties / Tasks
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5

"Nuclear Equipment Operation Technician"   Holland / RIASEC Career Code:  R-I-C        SOC:  19-4051.01


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