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"Securities and Commodities Trader"
Job Description - Part 1 - Duties and Tasks

Basic Job Description:

Buy and sell securities and commodities to transfer debt, capital, or risk. Establish and negotiate unit prices and terms of sale.

Part 1
Duties / Tasks
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5


Job Duties and Tasks for: "Securities and Commodities Trader"

1) Agree on buying or selling prices at optimal levels for clients.

2) Buy or sell stocks, bonds, commodity futures, foreign currencies, or other securities at stock exchanges on behalf of investment dealers.


3) Make bids or offers to buy or sell securities.

4) Analyze target companies or investment opportunities to inform investment decisions.

5) Develop or maintain supplier or customer relationships.


6) Devise trading, option, or hedge strategies.

7) Identify opportunities or develop channels for purchase or sale of securities or commodities.

8) Inform other traders, managers, or customers of market conditions, including volume, price, competition, or dynamics.

9) Monitor markets or positions.

10) Process paperwork for special orders, including margin or option purchases.

11) Receive sales order tickets and inspect forms to determine accuracy of information.

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12) Report all positions or trading results.

13) Review securities transactions to ensure conformance to regulations.

14) Track and analyze factors that affect price movement, such as trade policies, weather conditions, political developments, or supply and demand changes.


15) Write or sign sales order confirmation forms to record or approve security transactions.

16) Audit accounts and correct errors.

17) Make transportation arrangements for sold or purchased commodities.

18) Prepare financial reports, such as reviews of portfolio positions.

19) Reconcile account-related statements, such as quarterly or annual statements or confirmations.

20) Report deficiencies in account payments, securities deliveries, or documentation requirements to avoid rule violations.

21) Supervise support staff and ensure proper execution of contracts.

22) Buy, sell, or trade carbon emissions permits.

23) Identify or pursue investment strategies related to the green economy, including green hedge funds, renewable energy markets, or clean technology investment opportunities.

Job Description for "Securities and Commodities Trader" continued here...

Part 1
Duties / Tasks
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5

"Securities and Commodities Trader"   Holland / RIASEC Career Code:  NA        SOC:  41-3031.03


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See the Future Outlook and Educational Requirements for "Securities and Commodities Trader"