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"Electrical Engineering Technician"
Job Description - Part 1 - Duties and Tasks

Basic Job Description:

Apply electrical theory and related knowledge to test and modify developmental or operational electrical machinery and electrical control equipment and circuitry in industrial or commercial plants and laboratories. Usually work under direction of engineering staff.

Part 1
Duties / Tasks
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5


Job Duties and Tasks for: "Electrical Engineering Technician"

1) Provide technical assistance and resolution when electrical or engineering problems are encountered before, during, and after construction.

2) Assemble electrical and electronic systems and prototypes according to engineering data and knowledge of electrical principles, using hand tools and measuring instruments.


3) Install and maintain electrical control systems and solid state equipment.

4) Modify electrical prototypes, parts, assemblies, and systems to correct functional deviations.

5) Set up and operate test equipment to evaluate performance of developmental parts, assemblies, or systems under simulated operating conditions, and record results.


6) Collaborate with electrical engineers and other personnel to identify, define, and solve developmental problems.

7) Build, calibrate, maintain, troubleshoot and repair electrical instruments or testing equipment.

8) Analyze and interpret test information to resolve design-related problems.

9) Write commissioning procedures for electrical installations.

10) Prepare project cost and work-time estimates.

11) Evaluate engineering proposals, shop drawings and design comments for sound electrical engineering practice and conformance with established safety and design criteria, and recommend approval or disapproval.

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12) Draw or modify diagrams and write engineering specifications to clarify design details and functional criteria of experimental electronics units.

13) Conduct inspections for quality control and assurance programs, reporting findings and recommendations.

14) Prepare contracts and initiate, review and coordinate modifications to contract specifications and plans throughout the construction process.


15) Plan, schedule and monitor work of support personnel to assist supervisor.

16) Review existing electrical engineering criteria to identify necessary revisions, deletions or amendments to outdated material.

17) Perform supervisory duties such as recommending work assignments, approving leaves and completing performance evaluations.

18) Plan method and sequence of operations for developing and testing experimental electronic and electrical equipment.

19) Visit construction sites to observe conditions impacting design and to identify solutions to technical design problems involving electrical systems equipment that arise during construction.

Job Description for "Electrical Engineering Technician" continued here...

Part 1
Duties / Tasks
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5

"Electrical Engineering Technician"   Holland / RIASEC Career Code:  R-I-E        SOC:  17-3023.03


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