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"Electrolytic Plating and Coating Machine Setter and Set-Up Operator, Metal and Plastic"
Job Description - Part 1 - Duties and Tasks

Basic Job Description:

Set up or set up and operate electrolytic plating or coating machines, such as continuous multistrand electrogalvanizing machines, to coat metal or plastic products electrolytically with chromium, copper, cadmium, or other metal to provide protective or decorative surfaces or to build up worn surfaces.

Part 1
Duties / Tasks
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5


Job Duties and Tasks for: "Electrolytic Plating and Coating Machine Setter and Set-Up Operator, Metal and Plastic"

1) Moves controls to permit electrodeposition of metal on object or to regulate movement of wire strand to obtain specified thickness.

2) Suspends stick or piece of plating metal from anode (positive terminal) and immerses metal in plating solution.


3) Grinds, polishes, or rinses object in water and dries object to maintain clean even surface.

4) Measures, marks, and masks areas excluded from plating.

5) Examines object at end of process to determine thickness of metal deposit or measures thickness, using instruments, such as micrometers.


6) Immerses object in cleaning and rinsing baths to complete plating process.

7) Plates small objects, such as nuts or bolts, using motor-driven barrel.

8) Removes plated object from solution at periodic intervals and observes object to ensure conformance to specifications.

9) Mixes chemical solutions, fills tanks and charges furnaces.

10) Suspends object, such as part or mold, from cathode rod (negative terminal) and immerses object in plating solution.

11) Adjusts voltage and amperage, based on observations.

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Job Description for "Electrolytic Plating and Coating Machine Setter and Set-Up Operator, Metal and Plastic" continued here...

Part 1
Duties / Tasks
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5

"Electrolytic Plating and Coating Machine Setter and Set-Up Operator, Metal and Plastic"   Holland / RIASEC Career Code:  R-C-E        SOC:  51-4193.01


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