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"Farm and Ranch Manager"
Job Description - Part 1 - Duties and Tasks

Basic Job Description:

Plan, direct, or coordinate the management or operation of farms, ranches, greenhouses, aquacultural operations, nurseries, timber tracts, or other agricultural establishments. May hire, train, or supervise farm workers or contract for services to carry out the day-to-day activities of the managed operation. May engage in or supervise planting, cultivating, harvesting, financial, or marketing activities.

Part 1
Duties / Tasks
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5


Job Duties and Tasks for: "Farm and Ranch Manager"

1) Direct the breeding or raising of stock, such as cattle, poultry, or honeybees, using recognized breeding practices to ensure stock improvement.

2) Evaluate marketing or sales alternatives for farm or ranch products.


3) Hire, train, or supervise workers engaged in planting, cultivating, irrigating, harvesting, or marketing crops, or in raising livestock.

4) Inspect farm or ranch structures, such as buildings, fences, or roads, ordering repair or maintenance activities, as needed.

5) Maintain financial, operational, production, or employment records for farms or ranches.


6) Monitor activities such as irrigation, chemical application, harvesting, milking, breeding, or grading to ensure adherence to safety regulations or standards.

7) Monitor pasture or grazing land use to ensure that livestock are properly fed or that conservation methods, such as rotational grazing, are used.

8) Negotiate with buyers for the sale, storage, or shipment of crops or livestock.

9) Obtain financing necessary for purchases of machinery, land, supplies, or livestock.

10) Operate or oversee the operations of dairy farms that produce bulk milk.

11) Operate or oversee the operations of poultry or swine farms producing meat, eggs, or breeding stock.

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12) Plan crop activities based on factors such as crop maturity or weather conditions.

13) Prepare budgets or financial reports for farm or ranch operations.

14) Select or purchase machinery, equipment, livestock, or supplies, such as seed, feed, fertilizer, or chemicals.


15) Supervise the construction of farm or ranch structures, such as buildings, fences, drainage systems, wells, or roads.

16) Analyze market conditions to determine acreage allocations.

17) Analyze soil to determine types or quantities of fertilizer required for maximum crop production.

18) Direct livestock or crop waste recycling operations.

19) Inspect farm or ranch equipment to ensure proper functioning.

20) Plan and direct development or production of hardier or higher-yield hybrid plant varieties.

21) Buy or sell futures contracts or price farm products in advance of future sales to minimize risk or maximize profits.

22) Demonstrate or explain working techniques, practices, or safety regulations to farm or ranch workers.

23) Inspect orchards or fields to determine crop maturity or condition or to detect disease or insect infestation.

24) Monitor and adjust irrigation systems to distribute water according to crop needs and to avoid wasting water.

25) Replace chemical insecticides with environmentally friendly practices, such as adding pest-repelling plants to fields.

26) Change processes such as drying, grading, storing, or shipping to improve efficiency or profitability.

27) Determine types or quantities of crops or livestock to be raised, according to factors such as market conditions, federal programs or incentives, or soil conditions.

28) Direct crop production operations, such as planning, tilling, planting, fertilizing, cultivating, spraying, or harvesting.

Job Description for "Farm and Ranch Manager" continued here...

Part 1
Duties / Tasks
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5

"Farm and Ranch Manager"   Holland / RIASEC Career Code:  NA        SOC:  11-9013.02


Click here for "Farm and Ranch Manager" Jobs

See the Future Outlook and Educational Requirements for "Farm and Ranch Manager"