Perform precision work involved in photographic processing, such as editing photographic negatives and prints, using photo-mechanical, chemical, or computerized methods.
Part 1
Duties / Tasks
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
1) Dry prints or negatives, using sponges and/or squeegees, mechanical air dryers, or drying cabinets.
2) Evaluate film and negatives to determine characteristics such as sensitivity to light, density, and exposure time required for printing.
3) Examine developed prints for defects such as broken lines, spots, and blurs.
4) Examine drawings, negatives, or photographic prints to determine coloring, shading, accenting, and other changes required for retouching or restoration.
5) Immerse film, negatives, paper, or prints in developing solutions, fixing solutions, and water in order to complete photographic development processes.
6) Measure material to be copied, and compute percentages of enlargement or reproduction necessary, using rules, charts, or percentage scales.
7) Mix developing and fixing solutions according to established formulas.
8) Mix ink or paint solutions, according to color specifications, color charts, and desired consistencies.
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9) Mount cameras on tripods or stands, and load prescribed types and sizes of film in cameras.
10) Mount original photographs, negatives, or other printed material in holders or vacuum frames beneath lights.
11) Place identification on film as necessary.
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12) Place sensitized paper in frames of projection printers, photostats, or other reproduction machines.
13) Apply paint to retouch or enhance negatives or photographs, using airbrushes, pens, artists' brushes, cotton swabs, or gloved fingers.
14) Color photographs to produce natural, lifelike appearances, using oil colors.
15) Cut negatives and put them in order.
16) Produce color or black-and-white photographs, negatives, and slides, applying standard photographic reproduction techniques and procedures.
17) Read work orders to determine required processes, techniques, materials, and equipment.
18) Reprint originals to enlarge them, or in sections to be pieced together.
19) Select lens assemblies according to sizes and types of negatives or photographs to be printed.
20) Set automatic timers, lens openings, and printer carriages to specified focus and exposure times, and start exposure in order to duplicate originals, photographs, or negatives.
21) Shade negatives or photographs with pencils to smooth facial contours, soften highlights, and conceal blemishes, stray hairs, or wrinkles.
22) Clean and organize darkrooms, and maintain darkroom equipment.
23) Correct color work prints to adjust for outdoor filming.
24) Create work prints according to customer specifications and lab protocols.
25) Cut out masking templates, using shears, and position templates on pictures to mask selected areas.
26) Expose film strips to progressively timed lights to compare effects of various exposure times.
27) Ink borders or lettering on illustrations, using pens, brushes, or drafting instruments.
28) Paint negatives with retouching mediums to ensure that retouching pencils will mark surfaces of negatives.
29) Record test data from film that has been examined, and route film to film developers and film printers for further processing.
30) Rub erasers or cloths over photographs to reduce gloss, remove debris, or prepare specified areas of illustrations for highlighting.
31) Thread film strips through densitometers, and expose film to light to determine density of film and necessary color corrections.
32) Thread film strips through sensitometers, expose film to light, and read gauges to assess light sensitivity.
33) Trim edges of prints to enhance appearance, using scissors or paper cutters.
34) Wipe excess color from portraits in order to produce specified shades, using cotton swabs.
35) Examine quality of film fades and dissolves, and evaluate potential color corrections, using color analyzers.
36) Produce timed prints with separate densities and color settings for each scene of a production.
Part 1
Duties / Tasks
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
"Photographic Process Worker" Holland / RIASEC Career Code: NA SOC: 51-9131.00
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