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"Pump Operators, Except Wellhead Pumper"
Job Description - Part 1 - Duties and Tasks

Basic Job Description:

Tend, control, or operate power-driven, stationary, or portable pumps and manifold systems to transfer gases, oil, other liquids, slurries, or powdered materials to and from various vessels and processes.

Part 1
Duties / Tasks
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5


Job Duties and Tasks for: "Pump Operators, Except Wellhead Pumper"

1) Connect hoses and pipelines to pumps and vessels prior to material transfer, using hand tools.

2) Monitor gauges and flowmeters and inspect equipment to ensure that tank levels, temperatures, chemical amounts, and pressures are at specified levels, reporting abnormalities as necessary.


3) Plan movement of products through lines to processing, storage, and shipping units, utilizing knowledge of interconnections and capacities of pipelines, valve manifolds, pumps, and tankage.

4) Pump two or more materials into one tank to blend mixtures.

5) Read operating schedules or instructions or receive verbal orders, in order to determine amounts to be pumped.


6) Turn valves and start pumps to start or regulate flows of substances such as gases, liquids, slurries, or powdered materials.

7) Add chemicals and solutions to tanks to ensure that specifications are met.

8) Clean, lubricate, and repair pumps and vessels, using hand tools and equipment.

9) Collect and deliver sample solutions for laboratory analysis.

10) Communicate with other workers, using signals, radios, or telephones, to start and stop flows of materials or substances.

11) Record operating data such as products and quantities pumped, stocks used, gauging results, and operating times.

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12) Tend auxiliary equipment such as water treatment and refrigeration units, and heat exchangers.

13) Tend vessels that store substances such as gases, liquids, slurries, or powdered materials, checking levels of substances by using calibrated rods or by reading mercury gauges and tank charts.

14) Test materials and solutions, using testing equipment.

Job Description for "Pump Operators, Except Wellhead Pumper" continued here...

Part 1
Duties / Tasks
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5

"Pump Operators, Except Wellhead Pumper"   Holland / RIASEC Career Code:  R-C-I        SOC:  53-7072.00


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