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"Refractory Materials Repairer, Except Brickmason"
Job Description - Part 1 - Duties and Tasks

Basic Job Description:

Build or repair furnaces, kilns, cupolas, boilers, converters, ladles, soaking pits, ovens, etc., using refractory materials.

Part 1
Duties / Tasks
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5


Job Duties and Tasks for: "Refractory Materials Repairer, Except Brickmason"

1) Bolt sections of wooden molds together, using wrenches, and line molds with paper to prevent clay from sticking to molds.

2) Chip slag from linings of ladles or remove linings when beyond repair, using hammers and chisels.


3) Disassemble molds, and cut, chip, and smooth clay structures such as floaters, drawbars, and L-blocks.

4) Drill holes in furnace walls, bolt overlapping layers of plastic to walls, and hammer surfaces to compress layers into solid sheets.

5) Dry and bake new linings by placing inverted linings over burners, building fires in ladles, or by using blowtorches.


6) Dump and tamp clay in molds, using tamping tools.

7) Fasten stopper heads to rods with metal pins to assemble refractory stoppers used to plug pouring nozzles of steel ladles.

8) Install clay structures in melting tanks and drawing kilns to control the flow and temperature of molten glass, using hoists and hand tools.

9) Measure furnace walls to determine dimensions, then cut required number of sheets from plastic block, using saws.

10) Mix specified amounts of sand, clay, mortar powder, and water to form refractory clay or mortar, using shovels or mixing machines.

11) Reline or repair ladles and pouring spouts with refractory clay, using trowels.

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12) Remove worn or damaged plastic block refractory linings of furnaces, using hand tools.

13) Spread mortar on stopper heads and rods, using trowels, and slide brick sleeves over rods to form refractory jackets.

14) Tighten locknuts holding refractory stopper assemblies together, spread mortar on jackets to seal sleeve joints, and dry mortar in ovens.


15) Climb scaffolding, carrying hoses, and spray surfaces of cupolas with refractory mixtures, using spray equipment.

16) Install preformed metal scaffolding in interiors of cupolas, using hand tools.

17) Transfer clay structures to curing ovens, melting tanks, and drawing kilns, using forklifts.

Job Description for "Refractory Materials Repairer, Except Brickmason" continued here...

Part 1
Duties / Tasks
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5

"Refractory Materials Repairer, Except Brickmason"   Holland / RIASEC Career Code:  R-I-C        SOC:  49-9045.00


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